Monday, April 13, 2009

Book Drive (2009)

UPDATE ! Books Shipped on the 31st March, 2010

Donation included 275 books and other materials to the Dharmaraja College Library and 75 books and other materials to the Faculty of Science Library at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.


The aim of the book drive is to furnish the DRCK library with 1500 volumes of new additions and initiate a media library comprised of CD ROMs and DVDs. As a part of the “Educational and Outreach” program of DAANA, 25% of the books collected will be donated to a rural school in Sri Lanka.

How can you help and participate:
You can simply send the books, magazines, and media that you don’t need any longer. Also you can organize local events to support the book drive. It will be a nice project for the local chapters of DAANA to participate as a community.

Nature of material:
Material should be suitable for young adults (age 10 -18) and elementary level students (age 5-9). Use your judgment to choose the items as they are aimed for school children. Used items must be in a good condition.
  • Printed Matter: New and used books (classical and contemporary novels, biographies, historical notes), study-guides (SAT/TOEFL/IELTS), posters and other display items, dictionaries, magazines, and journals (subject related, co-curricular, extra-curricular, leisure reading, etc.).
  • Media: CD-ROMs and DVDs containing educational and industrial related subjects, non-proprietary software, DVDs of award winning movies and documentaries, Audio-books, Music (classical, traditional, regional, folk, etc.).

Collection process:

Material will be collected in Houston, TX. They will be catalogued and prepared for shipment by the generous help of the Old Rajans in Texas (TX Chapter of DAANA).
USPS is the suggested method of shipping to Houston since they offer a special rate for Books and Printed matter within US. Please feel free to use any other convenient method.

Where to look for:
This is a nice opportunity for us to clean up our bookshelves and closets. Local libraries in US and Canada are known to discard old but still usable material. They are available for a nominal price if not free. Schools and universities are also good sources, especially teachers and professors. There are hundreds of bargain bookshops full of good books at very low prices throughout the continent.